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dueBefore:"X minutes from now" loses tasks...

bugsie says:
I have a smart list that shows me what I can or should do "now". "Now" encompasses anything due within the next couple of ours (dueBefore:"2 hours from now".

However... if I have a task due today at 7pm, it disappears from the smart list at 10pm.

This, I think, has something to do with "2 hours from now " being tomorrow (I experimented with changing the dueBefore to 56 minutes and watched as my task disappeared at 23:04 (just before writing this post) - change it to dueBefore: "1 minute from now" and the task reappears!

This is the full search criteria:
dueBefore:"2 hours from now" OR (due:never AND tag:now) AND NOT list:Sent

I *think* the tasks reappear at 00:01 as I'm sure I've found myself wondering why tasks are on my list the following morning.
Posted at 10:15pm on July 26, 2011
bugsie says:
Oh, just remembered... The same list on the iPhone app works fine - does not lose the task at 10pm.
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Would you be able to contact us via email so that we can get some additional examples on this situation? We'd love to take a closer at this.

Posted 13 years ago
bugsie says:
Just emailed you...
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
I saw your report and I've responded to this via email.

Posted 13 years ago
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