dueBefore:"X minutes from now" loses tasks...

bugsie says:
I have a smart list that shows me what I can or should do "now". "Now" encompasses anything due within the next couple of ours (dueBefore:"2 hours from now".
However... if I have a task due today at 7pm, it disappears from the smart list at 10pm.
This, I think, has something to do with "2 hours from now " being tomorrow (I experimented with changing the dueBefore to 56 minutes and watched as my task disappeared at 23:04 (just before writing this post) - change it to dueBefore: "1 minute from now" and the task reappears!
This is the full search criteria:
dueBefore:"2 hours from now" OR (due:never AND tag:now) AND NOT list:Sent
I *think* the tasks reappear at 00:01 as I'm sure I've found myself wondering why tasks are on my list the following morning.
However... if I have a task due today at 7pm, it disappears from the smart list at 10pm.
This, I think, has something to do with "2 hours from now " being tomorrow (I experimented with changing the dueBefore to 56 minutes and watched as my task disappeared at 23:04 (just before writing this post) - change it to dueBefore: "1 minute from now" and the task reappears!
This is the full search criteria:
dueBefore:"2 hours from now" OR (due:never AND tag:now) AND NOT list:Sent
I *think* the tasks reappear at 00:01 as I'm sure I've found myself wondering why tasks are on my list the following morning.

bugsie says:
Oh, just remembered... The same list on the iPhone app works fine - does not lose the task at 10pm.

Would you be able to contact us via email so that we can get some additional examples on this situation? We'd love to take a closer at this.

bugsie says:
Just emailed you...