Interact with tasks via SMS Started by dgcombs New integrations | |
Sort by random order Started by trustin Web app | |
Add tasks by barcode Started by krysta New integrations | |
Ability to specify own SMS gateway Started by dsheardown Reminders | |
Windows Live Calendar integration Started by raul.montenegro7 New integrations | |
Support for case sensitive searches Started by bzpilman Web app | |
MilkSync for Windows Phone 7 Started by colin.mattholie New apps | |
Gmail add-on for IE Started by bpatil Gmail add-on | |
WordPress plugin to display tasks Started by shescraps New integrations | |
Get reminded via phone call Started by elee Reminders | |
Integration with other tagging web applications (, Flickr, YouTube) Started by rob.davis New integrations | |
SlimTimer integration Started by danielbaars New integrations | |
Sunbird sync Started by noumenontruth New integrations | |
Interact with tasks via IM Started by (closed account) New integrations | |
Customize app with own logo Started by mcauser Web app | |
Support Tapatalk for the forums Started by (closed account) General | |
Support for multiple Twitter accounts Started by dmccall Twitter | |
Alarms Express integration Started by zshahab2 New integrations | |
Speak notifications aloud (TTS) Started by (closed account) Android app | | integration Started by pertussini New integrations | |