Telegram Notifications Started by sirlouen Reminders | |
Ability to set Reminders field as default Started by cdelsol Reminders | |
Allow variables in repeating tasks. Started by brown.biggers Reminders | |
Offer additional default estimate values Started by (closed account) Reminders | |
Always on top reminders Started by asbenicio Reminders | |
Archiv old ideas Started by thomas.decker Reminders | |
Customize Daily Digests Started by eoe Reminders | |
independent reminder Started by fant Reminders | |
Multiple reminders and custom time Started by stmariejw Reminders | |
Conditional Prioritization Started by brotoc Reminders | |
Daily Digest option to include started tasks Started by lensaffair Reminders | |
Support for Growl reminders Started by stephen.chai Reminders | |
Improve how to add a new location Started by meggerud Reminders | |
Time period (e.g. only in spring - summer) Started by stefanstp08 Reminders | |
Reminder Content Customization Started by alexiaboga Reminders | |
Reminders - use absolute date/time for reminder Started by mapgeek Reminders | |
Add REMINDER to default fields Started by (closed account) Reminders | |
Post desktop reminders in the Action Center Started by frank479 Reminders | |
Reminders Notification Destinations Started by idheath Reminders | |
Take the time estimate into consideration when determining when to send the reminder Started by (closed account) Reminders | |