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Ability to comment on tasks

goodspeed says:
Not sure if this is relevant for all but it would be nice to have me or other people post comments (or notes) to my shared/public tasks ala 43things, oops :).

I share my to-do list to others and they email me their comments or issues that's why.

Well, it would be nice.
Posted at 12:18pm on February 10, 2006
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Interesting idea :)

Currently if your list is shared with other people, they can add notes to your tasks, but would definitely be interesting to extend that so the public could add notes/comments to your tasks too.
Posted 19 years ago
skone says:
Comments would be an awesome feature. I use RTM to manage my web design projects and having a public list for my clients to add to would let me create a feature request and ticketing system if I could comment on the tasks. It would seriously be off the hook like a dial tone.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I can see the benefit, but if anyone can comment on a public list, it seems it would be very open to abuse.
Posted 3 years ago
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