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A mobile app with less clicks to edit tasks

louisyurman says:
It would be nice if the iOS app would have text boxes for each attribute of a task for faster editing. Since remember the milk has the most powerful plain language detection in the business some of the menues are unnecessary.
Posted at 11:40am on November 2, 2018
vozny says:
same for Android, the task summary page is completely unnecessary, one can go straight to the edit task page, this will save so many clicks!

consider for example adding or removing a tag to existing tag:
1. click on task
2. click on Edit button
3. click on tags area
4. click on selected tag (to remove) or empty checkbox (to add) tag

it could be isntead:
1. click on task (completely skip the second screen)
2. click on existing tag (to remove it)
Posted 5 years ago
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