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iOS share extension

wmwilkins says:
It would be extremely handy to have a iOS share extension to provide an easy way to create tasks from other apps with less data entry. In the extension, you could save a task's title, date, list, URL, notes, and tags. If another app shares information properly with the iOS share extension, the extension could use its input text as the task's name (such as the name of a webpage from Safari) and URLs in the dedicated fields.
Posted at 1:53pm on February 16, 2016
wmwilkins says:
2Do and Wunderlist have implementations of this that could be looked at as examples that work well.
Posted 9 years ago
nickgio says:
I agree that this would be a very helpful addition to RTM. I've recently been using RTM after using Wunderlist for awhile, and this was one of the best parts about using Wunderlist on mobile. Just made it very easy to add new tasks.
Posted 8 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Great idea.
Posted 8 years ago
tismey says:
I use Drafts to do this currently, but something native would be better
Posted 8 years ago
nicholasemay says:
This would be awesome.
Posted 8 years ago
nicholasemay says:
Even just a one-click dumping a link from Safari into my Inbox would be helpful
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Really miss this feature, too!
Posted 8 years ago
elwood3159 says:
I've used 12 different task and Todo apps and this feature is pretty common. I don't know how RTM missed this feature and it's importants, based on their desires when they relaunch to build the best.
Posted 8 years ago
jaykaplon says:
This was implemented long ago. How do we get completed tasks closed?
Posted 3 years ago
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