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Google Calendar refresh

jphalip says:

I've plugged my RTM account (more precisely, my "All tasks" feed) to Google Calendar. The tasks now appear correctly on my calendar. However, it doesn't refresh so often. If I make a change in RTM then those changes are not propagated to Google Calendar until long after.

I couldn't find any option either in RTM or Google Calendar to force that refresh. Is that possible, and if so, how?

Thanks a lot for you help.


Posted at 5:04am on January 21, 2009
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Julien,

This information is from Google Calendar Help:

"Currently, calendar feeds are automatically updated by Google Calendar every few hours. We understand that some users want to have the ability to refresh the calendars they added manually and we are exploring various ways to enable this.

If the calendar you're subscribing to using Google Calendar isn't refreshed after 24 hours, please send us the calendar address and the detail of the problem so that we can investigate."

Hope this helps!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
you can resuscribe and it works. it's not pretty, but its a workaround for those times when you need to organize NOW and need to see what you have to do
Posted 16 years ago
wernst says:
Emily and I respectfully went around and around with this a few months back. We have different opinions.

First, Google seems to check all of its feeds for all of its users every 6 hours or so. So even when everything goes right, it may take between 1 minute and 6 hours for updates to RTM to be reflected in GCal.

That said, sometimes days would pass before GCal properly reflected my RTM feed. After extensive research, i have concluded that RTM is pushing out needlessly complex and large ICAL feeds (for example, it identifies the dates of the daylight savings times changeover for the past 80 or 90 years) , and occasionally GCal chokes on it. Emily and RTM developers disagree with me on this, but other users seem to agree with me.

Anyway, the solution for me is to sign up for a free AIRSET.COM account. It has a calendar which is only OK, BUT it can take in RTM ICAL feeds and then spit out a new simplified ICAL feed that GCAL never has any problems with. In other words, I use only to reformat RTM's ICAL feed for the purpose of using Google Calendar.

It sounds like an extra step, and it is, but it has resulted in reliable service for me.

Posted 16 years ago
probe22 says:
This was confusing me because when I initially set up RTM to feed into GCal, I happened to see my tasks appear almost right away. Then I made a couple of changes, and nothing happened--thought I must have messed something up. Went to bed and next morning changes were then displayed on GCal. It works, but it's just slow to update, depending on your timing.
Posted 15 years ago
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