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Time Filtered View

(closed account) says:
Is there any way of NOT seeing an item in a list based on there being a time assigned.
Posted at 5:21pm on July 14, 2016
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi peterlforster,
This isn't available as such—we don't have a search operator for this—but it is possible to do this based on "midnight". Tasks without a due time are due at "midnight" of the day, so you could do something like the following to find untimed tasks for today:

due:"today at midnight"

You can find timed tasks with the following:

due:today AND dueAfter:"today at midnight"

It'd be possible to build a more robust Smart List around this, but it would need to be done for each day at a time.

Let me know if I can help with anything else!
Posted 8 years ago
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