Trying to create smart list w/ multiple criteria

dawgtoons says:
I'm trying to create a Smart list that includes all tasks that are overdue and are due today. Here's how I'm putting it in:
dueBefore:today and due:today
and I also tried: (dueBefore:today) and (due:today)
But nothing is showing up. What am I doing wrong?
dueBefore:today and due:today
and I also tried: (dueBefore:today) and (due:today)
But nothing is showing up. What am I doing wrong?

dawgtoons says:
Oops, nevermind! As soon as I posted this, I realized I should have used OR instead of AND.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi dawgtoons,
Yes, that will do it! dueBefore:tomorrow would also work if it's easier to think of it in a single search operator. :)
Yes, that will do it! dueBefore:tomorrow would also work if it's easier to think of it in a single search operator. :)