Advanced search - Smart List only with tasks added by e-mail

(closed account) says:
Hello everyone! I have one question for you. Is there any advanced search operator which allows me to create a smart list which consists in tasks added by e-mail? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Have a nice day, everyone!
Have a nice day, everyone!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Gregory,
It's not possible to search for tasks added by email; sorry.
However, if you assign a tag or there's any note that automatically becomes part of the task when emailing (part of a signature, perhaps?), you may be able to search on those. :)
Hope that helps somewhat!
It's not possible to search for tasks added by email; sorry.
However, if you assign a tag or there's any note that automatically becomes part of the task when emailing (part of a signature, perhaps?), you may be able to search on those. :)
Hope that helps somewhat!