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Is proxy with authrization supported by MilkSync ? says:
I've an issue with MilkSync running behind the proxy server with authorization.

When I press Sync button I get pop-up dialog box which request my proxy login and password. But as soon as I enter these details I get this authorization dialog again and again, it looks like I'm entering wrong password. I've made a lot of attempts including copy&paste of auth. details, but it did not help.

Can somebody give an advice regarding this problem?

Is MilkSync able to use default proxy setting of the IE browser ?

P.S. The proxy server uses domain account user name and password, can it be the reason of the problem ?

Thanks in advance !
Posted at 5:35pm on February 5, 2013
brendan says:
MilkSync is able to run behind a proxy server, and it should use your system settings to avoid this login prompt when you sync.

Would you be able to contact us via email so we can get some more details about your setup?

Posted 12 years ago
mark.ashcroft says:
I also see the same issue as described by above. Can you help?
Posted 11 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi mark.ashcroft,
I wrote you back by email about this; we should be able to help you resolve this.

In general, the proxy information should match your username and/or domain, as well as your password. The information should match what is in Internet Explorer in most cases, but may not. We can help in general, but your IT department may need to confirm authentication details when we can't help narrow down the proper way to enter them in the proxy dialog.
Posted 11 years ago
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