No longer getting notifications pop ups

kevin.thai says:
I've noticed recently, I have not been getting any pop ups or notifications for my tasks, I have not changed anything on RTM for iPhone on the notifications, they are still on default i.e. pop up and badge count.
- iPhone 4S
- iOS 6.0.1
- RTM 3.0.1
I've tried deleting the entire app and re-installed/downloaded again and logged in, still no alerts. Are there any compatibility issues with iOS 6.0.1? Although come to think of it, this was happening even before I updated to 6.0.1
- iPhone 4S
- iOS 6.0.1
- RTM 3.0.1
I've tried deleting the entire app and re-installed/downloaded again and logged in, still no alerts. Are there any compatibility issues with iOS 6.0.1? Although come to think of it, this was happening even before I updated to 6.0.1

kevin.thai says:
Actually just noticed something in settings, on the webapp, under Reminders
"If the task has a due time, remind me...
At the time the task is due" - I noticed this was not ticked, any reason why that would be? I have yet to have a task due to see if this resolves the issue yet, but I suspect it would be it.
"If the task has a due time, remind me...
At the time the task is due" - I noticed this was not ticked, any reason why that would be? I have yet to have a task due to see if this resolves the issue yet, but I suspect it would be it.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi kevin.thai,
I'm not sure why your reminder settings would have changed in the web app, but that definitely sounds like it could be causing the problem for you.
If you'd like to test your reminders, you could set a test task due in 2 minutes; that would be sent as a push notification to your iPhone. You may want to try enabling another reminder method too (email, IM, SMS) to test reminders if you're still not seeing them.
Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any further problems.
I'm not sure why your reminder settings would have changed in the web app, but that definitely sounds like it could be causing the problem for you.
If you'd like to test your reminders, you could set a test task due in 2 minutes; that would be sent as a push notification to your iPhone. You may want to try enabling another reminder method too (email, IM, SMS) to test reminders if you're still not seeing them.
Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any further problems.