Solution Found: Sharing Multiple Tasks (how to share a 'Smart List')

jamexcel says:
The original problem I had: I wanted to share multiple tasks (tasks filtered into a list using search-operators; in other words, a Smart-List) but for some reason it was not possible.
The Solution I found: you first need to filter out of this group (or Smart List) all of the tasks that have already been shared with the person in order for the 'share' action to work.
The Situation in which The Bug arises:
1) I have filtered my tasks by doing an 'advanced search' using some particular criteria (ie. tag:groceries)
2) Within the resultant (Smart) list, there happens to be a few tasks that have already been shared with 'Jane'. I want to share them all with 'Jane'.
3) I click on 'Select/All', then on 'More Actions.../Share With...' and then I share it with 'Jane' who is in my Contacts and with whom I am already successfully sharing many tasks.
4) Jane then informs me that she is unable to see ANY of the tasks that I have just tried to share with her.
The WorkAround: you need to filter out all of the tasks already shared with 'Jane' in order for the 'Share' action to work
1) I filter my tasks by doing an 'advanced search' using some particular criteria (ie. tag:groceries),
...BUT THIS TIME: I add to the search the search-operator "NOT sharedWith:Jane"
_The search thus looks like: " tag:groceries NOT sharedWith:Jane "
3) I click on 'Select/All', then on 'More Actions.../Share With...' and then I share it with 'Jane'.
4) Jane is now able to see the tasks.
The Solution I found: you first need to filter out of this group (or Smart List) all of the tasks that have already been shared with the person in order for the 'share' action to work.
The Situation in which The Bug arises:
1) I have filtered my tasks by doing an 'advanced search' using some particular criteria (ie. tag:groceries)
2) Within the resultant (Smart) list, there happens to be a few tasks that have already been shared with 'Jane'. I want to share them all with 'Jane'.
3) I click on 'Select/All', then on 'More Actions.../Share With...' and then I share it with 'Jane' who is in my Contacts and with whom I am already successfully sharing many tasks.
4) Jane then informs me that she is unable to see ANY of the tasks that I have just tried to share with her.
The WorkAround: you need to filter out all of the tasks already shared with 'Jane' in order for the 'Share' action to work
1) I filter my tasks by doing an 'advanced search' using some particular criteria (ie. tag:groceries),
...BUT THIS TIME: I add to the search the search-operator "NOT sharedWith:Jane"
_The search thus looks like: " tag:groceries NOT sharedWith:Jane "
3) I click on 'Select/All', then on 'More Actions.../Share With...' and then I share it with 'Jane'.
4) Jane is now able to see the tasks.

jamexcel says:
@Rajjan: Thank you and Yes... I could and thus should dumb it down. I haven't one anything in AGES! :)

jamexcel says:
@Rajjan: check out
I rewrote it ... better?
I rewrote it ... better?

jamexcel says:
It's a shame that it's not possible to eidt/delete entries that we've written on the forum. That would allow me to go back and a) correct spelling mistakes (ie the above 'one vs won'), and b) I would be able to rework the Tip so that it is clearer (without having to repost another duplicate entry).