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jabber and icq reminders do not work

vestu says:
jabber and icq reminders do not work ...
[email protected]
Posted at 6:06pm on February 20, 2012
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi vestu,
I've added this to our list to investigate; sorry for the inconvenience.

In the meantime, if you're still having trouble with Jabber reminders, can you contact us so we can discuss some specifics? Thanks!
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Hi vestu,
If you haven't done so already, can you try deleting these reminder services from the Reminders tab of the Settings screen, then re-adding them?

If this doesn't help, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look with you?

Posted 13 years ago
vestu says:
Re added Jabber and ICQ.
Now noticed that jabbera from google (gtalk) a separate setting (rtm.remind @ Now jabber reminders works. ICQ not work.
Ready helps than I can.
(Contact a personal message)
Posted 13 years ago
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