Calling Mr. Paprotsky?

(closed account) says:
Mr. Paprotsky --
I saw the thread where Chrome users mentioned their problems, and was wondering if we FF users could also get a wee bit of help. I'm seeing this on two entirely different Firefox configurations, so I'm pretty sure it's something involving the site and extension, as opposed to my particular configuration.
Essentially, the problem is that when Task Count is turned on, the lists on the side show list bullets, and also don't show task counts for any list beneath the second one. Additionally, when Task Count is on, the "Bit Better RTM" configuration tab doesn't show in the Settings until the page is refreshed in the browser.
Any ideas?
I saw the thread where Chrome users mentioned their problems, and was wondering if we FF users could also get a wee bit of help. I'm seeing this on two entirely different Firefox configurations, so I'm pretty sure it's something involving the site and extension, as opposed to my particular configuration.
Essentially, the problem is that when Task Count is turned on, the lists on the side show list bullets, and also don't show task counts for any list beneath the second one. Additionally, when Task Count is on, the "Bit Better RTM" configuration tab doesn't show in the Settings until the page is refreshed in the browser.
Any ideas?