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RTM is annoucing the end of the world! (Issue with due date)

jbbres says:

I'm having a little issue with the task creation via email since a few weeks!
When I send an email to my RTM dedicated email address, with a due date:

D: today @ 20.00

It creates a task with due date 20/12/2012 (no specific time)!
I know what you will say: 20/12/2012 is supposed to be the last day of the world (, and because of that I should probably not care much about the task I have to do today at 8pm, but...

OK, or maybe it is just a weird bug...
RTM team, what do you think? :)

Thanks for all the good job!

// JB
Posted at 5:18am on February 15, 2012
brendan says:
Hi JB,
Currently, it's not possible enter times formatted with a period like this. To be honest, I'm not sure why the parser chooses Dec 20, 2012 as the due date in this case, but there's no cause for alarm. :) For example, if you enter today at 21.00, the task will be due Dec 21, 2012.

If you enter the due time as today at 20:00, the date and time will be correctly interpreted; you can find a list of supported date and time formats here.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
jbbres says:
Hi Brendan,

Thanks for your answer. I feel much better knowing that there is no Maya conspiration behind all this :)

You're right, if I change the '.' by ':' in the time it is working OK.


// JB
Posted 13 years ago
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