Postponed but not postponed

intrpt says:
Some times some tasks not postponed. Check the task -> postpone -> they postponed ->refresh the page -> the task is here again. ;) Today I postponed 4 tasks and 1 task not go'n postponed (when I refresh my Today SmartList page).
Today SmartList is [(status:incomplete OR completed:today) AND dueBefore:tomorrow]
Time zone is correct.
Best regards,
Some times some tasks not postponed. Check the task -> postpone -> they postponed ->refresh the page -> the task is here again. ;) Today I postponed 4 tasks and 1 task not go'n postponed (when I refresh my Today SmartList page).
Today SmartList is [(status:incomplete OR completed:today) AND dueBefore:tomorrow]
Time zone is correct.
Best regards,

Hi Pavel,
This behavior is often related to mismatched timezones. If your timezones appear to be in alignment already, would you be able to contact us so we can get some additional details?
This behavior is often related to mismatched timezones. If your timezones appear to be in alignment already, would you be able to contact us so we can get some additional details?

intrpt says:
I found that that is happend when I add task from my phone. After changing timezone in phone everething is ok. I'm not fully understand why RTM is so pinned to the TimeZones.