Weekly Planner error

intrpt says:
Why the weekly planner is show all tasks with -1 day date?
For example I have task "Some text here !1 31.01" and in weekly planner they shows me in Monday Jan 30 not Tuesday 31.
Why the weekly planner is show all tasks with -1 day date?
For example I have task "Some text here !1 31.01" and in weekly planner they shows me in Monday Jan 30 not Tuesday 31.

intrpt says:
p.s. Sorry for my english, not native.

intrpt says:
And I found this theme with the same issue.
And yes, my timezone is set up correctly on computer and in RTM settings. (+3GMT)
And yes, my timezone is set up correctly on computer and in RTM settings. (+3GMT)

Hi intrpt,
Would you be able to contact us via email so we can get some additional details about your system?
Would you be able to contact us via email so we can get some additional details about your system?

intrpt says:
System: Ubuntu 11.10 x32
TimeZone: +3 (Belarus)
Best regards,
Pavel Chebotaryov
TimeZone: +3 (Belarus)
Best regards,
Pavel Chebotaryov

intrpt says:
Ouch, e-mail.. ;)
Just send it,
Thank you for your support.
Just send it,
Thank you for your support.