dueWithin:"X hours" (due within specific number of hours)

(closed account) says:
There was a post a few years ago about this, just wanted to know if it has been implemented (and in what capacity)
(It does not appear to have been implemented)
dueWithin"4 hours"
dueWithin"4 hours of now"
(It does not appear to have been implemented)
dueWithin"4 hours"
dueWithin"4 hours of now"

Hi danielf847,
It's not currently possible to use hour increments with the dueWithin: search operator, sorry.
However, you can use hours with the dueBefore: operator. For example, the following search will return all tasks that are overdue (including tasks due today with no due time), as well as any tasks due in the next 4 hours:
dueBefore:"4 hours from now"
Hope that helps!
It's not currently possible to use hour increments with the dueWithin: search operator, sorry.
However, you can use hours with the dueBefore: operator. For example, the following search will return all tasks that are overdue (including tasks due today with no due time), as well as any tasks due in the next 4 hours:
dueBefore:"4 hours from now"
Hope that helps!

(closed account) says:
Thank you, that should be sufficient for most use cases