repeat problem with 'every 2 months on the 1st Wednesday'

eijk says:
+1 I want this too: every 3 months on the second sunday

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
The example repeat you listed, "every month on the first Sunday", should work as expected. Hope this helps!
The example repeat you listed, "every month on the first Sunday", should work as expected. Hope this helps!

jhollington says:
Strangely, although it's possible to do something like "Every second Monday" that seems to cap out at 4 -- I had hoped I could be clever and work around it with something like "every 8th Wednesday" :)

rjp1958 says:
Looks possible now.
Looks possible now.

lrichard says:
+1 It would be interesting on a yearly basis.
"Every year on the 3rd Wednesday"
"Every year on the 3rd Wednesday"