calendar icon broken

(closed account) says:
the calendar icon no longer produces a calendar to pick a date. It just makes the screen flash. IE and Chrome

Hi 222dfb,
Currently we don't offer a calendar-style date picker to select the due date. Clicking on the calendar icon next to the due date will open the Due field for editing, but you will need to type the due date. You can find a list of acceptable date formats here.
If this isn't the behavior you're seeing, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look?
Currently we don't offer a calendar-style date picker to select the due date. Clicking on the calendar icon next to the due date will open the Due field for editing, but you will need to type the due date. You can find a list of acceptable date formats here.
If this isn't the behavior you're seeing, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look?