Tasks missing from Smart List

bugsie says:
There are inconsistencies between a Smart List on my PC and the same list on my iPhone. Seems the iPhone app is more fussy/diligent re parenthesis than the web app...
This search criteria was ommitting dated tasks that were pty 2 or less on the iPhone:
list:"Due Today & O/Due" OR (dueBefore:tomorrow OR due:never) AND priority:1
Whereas both web and iPhone are happy with this search criteria:
list:"Due Today & O/Due" OR ((dueBefore:tomorrow OR due:never) AND priority:1)
Just thought I'd mention it.
There are inconsistencies between a Smart List on my PC and the same list on my iPhone. Seems the iPhone app is more fussy/diligent re parenthesis than the web app...
This search criteria was ommitting dated tasks that were pty 2 or less on the iPhone:
list:"Due Today & O/Due" OR (dueBefore:tomorrow OR due:never) AND priority:1
Whereas both web and iPhone are happy with this search criteria:
list:"Due Today & O/Due" OR ((dueBefore:tomorrow OR due:never) AND priority:1)
Just thought I'd mention it.

Hi bugsie,
Would you be able to contact us and give us some examples of the tasks that are being included or excluded on each platform? We'd love to take a closer look at what's going on here.
Would you be able to contact us and give us some examples of the tasks that are being included or excluded on each platform? We'd love to take a closer look at what's going on here.