Bug related to non-English smart dates

poluf1 says:
When I am trying to add a new task in the task list using the ^ sign in the local language, (e.g. in Hungarian ^hétfő as in ^Monday). the date is not saved but is simply appended to the title of the task instead.
This is very annoying :)
Please help and fix
When I am trying to add a new task in the task list using the ^ sign in the local language, (e.g. in Hungarian ^hétfő as in ^Monday). the date is not saved but is simply appended to the title of the task instead.
This is very annoying :)
Please help and fix

Hi Istvan,
Sorry, but at the present time, Hungarian is not one of the supported languages in the iPad app. You can find a list of supported languages for the iOS apps here.
Sorry, but at the present time, Hungarian is not one of the supported languages in the iPad app. You can find a list of supported languages for the iOS apps here.

elling says:
Also when adding smart dates in Norwegian, which is supported, I get an error when using "^I dag" (which the app itself suggests), which is Norwegian for "today". The app does not recognise this, and just puts the smart date as part of the task title. I suspect this might be related to the space?

elling says:
The same happens in the web interface, but at least the web interface auto suggests the English version. iPhone app does the same thing. I would gladly use the English versions in both apps, but the annoying part is that the app drop down menu for due date uses the (bugged) Norwegian version.

martinal says:
I just reported this in duplicate. But it is not new, I reported it last year... Losing patience...