Repeat Tasks Don't Show Up in Overview.

yukinari84 says:
I was having the same problem of my repeat tasks not showing in the Overview section.
After a quick search in the forums, I came across the following thread:
That was helpful, but since it was over 90 days old, I couldn't post a reply in there, so I decided to start a new topic on it.
I found a simple way to get any repeat task showing up in your Overview.
What I do is simply setup my repeat task, complete it, and then undo the complete. This immediately gets my repeat tasks showing in the overview section for their respective days.
Just wanted to share that and I hope those experiencing the same problem find it helpful.
P.S. I absolutely love RTM. It has made me so much more productive.
After a quick search in the forums, I came across the following thread:
That was helpful, but since it was over 90 days old, I couldn't post a reply in there, so I decided to start a new topic on it.
I found a simple way to get any repeat task showing up in your Overview.
What I do is simply setup my repeat task, complete it, and then undo the complete. This immediately gets my repeat tasks showing in the overview section for their respective days.
Just wanted to share that and I hope those experiencing the same problem find it helpful.
P.S. I absolutely love RTM. It has made me so much more productive.