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Adding a new list on ipad/iphone?

scrappybrittney says:
I'm super new to this...can anyone tell me if it's possible to add a new list category (or change the personal, study, work, sent names) on my ipad or iphone? I can see how to add different tags, but i want to re name the lists. Is that possible?
Posted at 12:12am on August 4, 2011
action.manager says:
On the iPhone:

1) Tap on "Lists" tab
2) Tap on "Edit" button
3) Tap on + button
4) Enter name of new list
5) Tap on "Done" button

Note 1: I'm guessing the Enligh terms (my version is localized)
Note 2: I don't have access to my iPad right now
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Thanks action.manager!

Also, if you wanted to rename an existing list, once you've tapped "Edit" you will see a a blue arrow to the right of each list name. Tap the arrow to display a box that allows you to rename (or delete) the list.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
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