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Show list name in Smart Lists

(closed account) says:
I LOVE in the iphone app how you show the name of the list a task is in when viewing a smart list. I would love it even more if you had this feature in the web app as well.

Posted at 5:44pm on July 10, 2009
ranbarton Power Poster says:
If you rely on tags and smartlists, then you can use the tags to accomplish this exact request, as they do appear - works like a charm.
Posted 15 years ago
iamjud says:
I've just tried the Android App and I also love how it shows the list name under each task. I think this should be an option in the web app too. If the user were able to customise alignment and visibility of tasks that would be a bonus. For example on a smart list which is showing all tasks tagged with @work I don't want to see @work next to every task; I want to the the list the task is on.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would also love to see the list listed. I don't want to use tags for this purpose, as @ranbarton suggests, because I have different tags and lists for my own organizational purposes.

I also like how I can see the list an item belongs to when I view an item by tag on my iPad. I wish I could see that in the web interface. As things now stand, I sometimes find myself with both my computer and iPad open, though I'd much rather just stick to the computer when I'm at my desk, simply because I type faster in it.
Posted 13 years ago
jlasimmons says:
I also think this is one of the nicest features in the iPhone app and would love it to appear in the web interface.
Posted 13 years ago
haemoglobin says:
Agree - I use tags and lists for different purposes. I would really like to see the list name appear in smart lists (as well as the tags).
Posted 13 years ago
haemoglobin says:
I have just converted all of my lists to tags and smartlists, had to rejig things around a bit but I'm pleased I've done so now since things looking tidier with the tag cloud and smart lists only (plus the tags being displayed in smart lists of course)
Posted 13 years ago
dennisjaffe says:
I so very much want this feature in the online desktop version, too. If it isn't available or planned, I too will definitely have to consider using tags only instead of lists.
Posted 12 years ago
mattrix007 says:
I'd say that it should always show the list a task is on (unless *ONLY* that non-smart list is viewed).

In a search or smart list view, I want to see what list a task of mine belongs to. I don't see this having been set up and wasn't sure how to hunt for whether someone else has made the suggestion.

I use smart lists and searches a lot and that's where I'd want to see them.

The idea of using tagging is fine, but since I don't find you can "move" a bunch of tasks to a tag or have inheritance (if you add a task to a smart list, that the task inherits the tags and such of the smart list), to me it means I'd have to do a lot of editing.

Hence, I've pretty much given up on tagging at the moment -- it just seems like too much work.
Posted 12 years ago
aforementionedthoughts says:
This look on the Android app is fantastic and does not draw away from the simplicity of the site. Would be great on the website as well.
Posted 12 years ago
ooomalley says:
I'm just getting started but I would also love for the smart list to show the original list name of a task.
Posted 12 years ago
ceduchess says:
I use lists for my different work projects instead of lists with sub-tasks and it works like a charm. I use tags a completely different way and don't want to combine them. The problem is that when I go to look at all the things I have to do at the office in my smart list, I can't tell what project that task is for unless I select it.

This is one of the best features of using it on the iPhone and I can't understand why it doesn't show on the web. Please implement this feature!
Posted 11 years ago
spazthecat says:
Throwing my vote in for this feature as well.
Posted 11 years ago
deraty says:
It is an essential feature. Actually I emailed support team about this before seeing this thread.

What I wrote to them was:

I have different lists with different email and SMS notification setting
is relative google calendar lists. So, which tasks go to which list are
important - so, the possibility to enter a wrong task to wrong list will a
bit mess the notification settings, and an important task can get a few
notifications. It is easy to enter a wrong task (after mistakenly entering
it to a wrong list). So - is there any way to see which task is in which
list when we view them in "all tasks" list? So we can verify everyhing at
one look? Otherwise we will have to select all lists one by one, and
checking if all tasks over there are in good order, which is a longer
process and more open for mistakes. So can we see the tasks list names, as
we can see the tags, in "all tasks" list?
Posted 11 years ago
deraty says:
So as I wrote above - the tags will not work as effective as lists. I am using different notification settings for different lists in Google Calendar - so making tags won't work.
Posted 11 years ago
tim.d.smith says:
would still really love this!
Posted 11 years ago
mirbogat says:
Has this feature disappeared on the iPhone? Would love to be able to see which list a task belongs to without having to touch the task in the list.
Posted 9 years ago
paul.woolverton says:
Very handy feature! I have it on my Android Nexus One phone. Would love to have it on my Android Samsung NOOK tablet and the website.
Posted 8 years ago
paul.woolverton says:
I do not see the task ID in the Address Bar as part of the URL.
Posted 8 years ago
paul.woolverton says:
Above posted in wrong thread.
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Not being able to see to which list the listed tasks belong in certain views is certainly a lacking feature.
Posted 8 years ago
rsoumois says:
Idem. Je comptais utiliser les listes pour identifier mes clients mais pas de colonne 'listes' dans la liste des tâches
Posted 8 years ago
jasonpbrown says:
In the web app, do an advanced sort for your smart lists and group by List.
Posted 8 years ago
mirbogat says:
Posted 7 years ago
davemolloy says:
I'll throw a vote in for this. I use the GTD methodology and my smart lists are my "contexts".

So if I'm looking at my "office" smart list, I might have a task like "Chat with Simon".

But that only really makes sense at a glance if I can see it's from the list for "Website design" or whatever, adding crucial context.
Posted 7 years ago
solarpro says:
I can't believe this is years old. I don't see the list name under tasks in the Android app. At a minimum this should show on the web version. This is ridiculous. I have the same task name on dozens of lists. How and I supposed to know what I am looking at?!!?!?!??!
Posted 7 years ago
gregory.ratliff says:
I am very surprised that this is lacking after all these years. Most other task managers that have "smart lists" do provide the list name as part of the task display. This is easily the biggest deficiency in the product right now for how I use it. The tags idea is certainly workable, but a little burdensome for people that have more than one list. It makes one wonder why the product would have the combination of lists and smart lists without this key feature to bridge them together.
Posted 6 years ago
roar.nilsen says:
+ 1 vote for this simple and important feature in the web app.
Smart list with an advanced sort with group by List is not sufficient.
Posted 6 years ago
clarkeystu says:
Please can we have this?
I set projects as lists, but many of my projects have similar tasks such as “agree scope of work”, or “send programme to client”.
If this shows in my today schedule I have no idea which project/list it’s for without opening it.
Posted 6 years ago
bugsie says:
I like the clean interface; however I would like the option to see the list name as it adds useful context to the task / item. I'd like to see it on both web and mobile UI, perhaps a very light shade of grey to keep is minimalist.
Posted 6 years ago
bugsie says:
LOL - searching the forum to find out if / how to get the list name to appear and discovered I've been here before... I must REALLY want this feature!

Noticed about four threads on the same subject. Would be good to combine all the votes...
Posted 5 years ago
thomas.decker says:
In the task lists no of subtasks, tags etc. are shown but no list name. This should be a problem. This is for me very important and an main argument against RTM.
Posted 4 years ago
thomas.decker says:
The usage of tags, because they are displayed in a list, can only be a workaround. I am not a friend of using tags for almost everything. A list is the basic instrument for structuring tasks. I do not understand why this causes such a discussion. Many things are displayed in lists (smartlists, tag lists, list) but no list name.
Posted 4 years ago
romakhar says:
View tag "buy". See task "nails". Do not know the project ("list"). Is it from "Make a chair" or from "Make a table"?
View tag "PC". See task "Select images". Do not know the project ("list"). Is it from "Write blogpost" or from "Vacation"?

1. I definitely vote for this feature.
2. I suggest to place "list" name before tags in task row.
3. I don't like the idea to place list name in tags. Because:
a) duplication of list name;
b) task is anyway in some list

List - is project. Tag - is kairos.
Posted 4 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I was just going to chime in, but I see that I did so 11 years ago, so no need to repeat myself.

Kind of crazy how long this thread has been around.
Posted 4 years ago
(closed account) says:
As has been mentioned already, this can be done in a Smart List by grouping by list.
Posted 3 years ago
hhammock says:
Is this still not a feature??!!
Posted 12 weeks ago
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