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Bring back Daily Digest for Android!

alexander.johnson says:
The RTM Android app used to give you a reminder at the beginning of the day of the tasks you had due that day. I'm not sure why, but that feature went away. I've heard that bringing it back is in the works, but just in case I thought I'd add it here, too.

Please bring back the Android Daily Digest!
Posted at 10:29am on September 7, 2015
abonhote says:
It's there. I think this section here needs some cleanup ;)
Posted 8 years ago
mapgeek says:
My phone shows me the DD in the address bar, but it is unclear how to access it in the app or on the web interface. I ended up making a smartlist with the same criteria because this frustrated me.
Posted 8 years ago
fhettenbach says:
@RTM Team: Please move this to archive, this works fine
Posted 7 years ago
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