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remove contact from dropdown list

grwleblanc says:
I added a contact email to a task by mistake. This is someone that I had not previously assinged a task to, and I will not assign a task to in the future. The problem is now that contact keeps showing up on the dropdown for assignments. I would like to remove it so I don't accidentally select it in the future.
Posted at 3:45pm on February 20, 2024
grwleblanc says:
Nevermind, I found it in the menus. I wonder if anyone has tried to use the Given to for people who do not use RTM? That was my orginal intent, without sending a email to that person (he does not use RTM).
Posted 1 year ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi grwleblanc,
I'm glad to hear you were able to find the dropdown, and thanks for your feedback about the "Given to" section! Let us know if we can help with anything else. 💙
Posted 12 months ago
mirthless29 says:
Hello, I have used this functionality quite extensively with fictitious email addresses in the format [email protected] without any major inconvenience.

Since there is a filtering function as you type in the text box, it is very easy to filter by companies, workgroups, areas of influence, adapting to your mental framework.

However, it is important to consider that perhaps email messages will be generated to the fictitious address with task information and in plain text that will travel over the internet if the .local domain is not filtered on RTM servers. .local or .lan domains should not extend beyond a local network.
Posted 12 months ago
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