Reminders don't sync from Outlook 2013 to RTM

syatsenko says:
This worked in previous versions of Outlook, but not with Outlook 2013. RTM Devs, can you please update MilkSync?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi syatsenko,
I wrote you back by email already, but in case anyone else is looking for this too:
MilkSync doesn't sync reminder times to Remember The Milk, as Remember The Milk doesn't support separate reminders for individual tasks. (Currently, you can have reminders at a set time of day, and reminders for specific tasks at or around their due time.)
If anything else isn't syncing or if you're having a more specific problem, feel free to contact us by email to discuss more details. Thanks!
I wrote you back by email already, but in case anyone else is looking for this too:
MilkSync doesn't sync reminder times to Remember The Milk, as Remember The Milk doesn't support separate reminders for individual tasks. (Currently, you can have reminders at a set time of day, and reminders for specific tasks at or around their due time.)
If anything else isn't syncing or if you're having a more specific problem, feel free to contact us by email to discuss more details. Thanks!