recurring every other day

miccaman says:
Is there a way to shedule a task every other day. Or even better: every other weekday.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi miccaman,
Yes, you can set the repeat on these tasks to be "every 2 days".
It's not possible to set a repeat to "every other weekday" currently, but "every Monday, Wednesday, Friday" or "every Tuesday, Thursday" should work.
Hope this helps!
Yes, you can set the repeat on these tasks to be "every 2 days".
It's not possible to set a repeat to "every other weekday" currently, but "every Monday, Wednesday, Friday" or "every Tuesday, Thursday" should work.
Hope this helps!

miccaman says:
@andrewski Ty for your quick reply. i'll check the comma separated weekdays.
Have a nice weekend.
Have a nice weekend.