"Time Created" field of a task

halloleo says:
Completed tasks have a "Time completed" field. For other or even all task, does a "Time Created" field exist as well? And how can I view it?

Hi halloleo,
Each task does have an Added field which records the date it was created. If you perform a search using one of the "added" search operators, you'll be able to see this field.
For example, the following search will show you all the tasks you added in the last 3 days:
addedWithin:"3 days"
When viewing the details for these tasks, you'll be able to see the Added date.
Hope this helps!
Each task does have an Added field which records the date it was created. If you perform a search using one of the "added" search operators, you'll be able to see this field.
For example, the following search will show you all the tasks you added in the last 3 days:
addedWithin:"3 days"
When viewing the details for these tasks, you'll be able to see the Added date.
Hope this helps!