Search Syntax Help

rustyellis says:
I am trying to set up a "Dashboard" like I've seen in a Tips and Trips section. It is working fine but I have one list that I don't want to show up in that section. I am simply looking for some help to exclude this section from my search.
Currently my search is:
dueBefore: today or dueWithin: "1 week of today"
This works great but I have a list that I want to exclude called "wk-chrono." Any ideas?
Currently my search is:
dueBefore: today or dueWithin: "1 week of today"
This works great but I have a list that I want to exclude called "wk-chrono." Any ideas?

rustyellis says:
You rock! Thank you so much. I'm finally starting to utilize the strengths of this program through lists and being able to forward emails to my RTM acct.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.