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Did something change recently?

(closed account) says:
I'm a "A Bit Better RTM" user and over the last few days I've been noticing glitches on the rtm tasks page - items don't display right, there are problems connecting to the server, etc. I haven't seen any changes to the chrome addon in the chrome extensions web page, so I was wondering if RTM itself might have changed formatting recently that could have broken the addon.

I'm not saying "change it back" if that's the case - it's the addon maker's responsibility to keep their mod up to date - I'm just trying to figure out if it is the addon causing the problem (so I can note it on their extensions page).

Is anyone else having this problem?

*After using the addon for so long (with it's ability to hide and sort lists in a non-tabbed format) I'd almost rather use a different system than go back to the tabbed interface at this point. I really wish RTM would add those features...
Posted at 12:20am on February 11, 2012
tdmalone says:
I have no idea how to fix it, but I am experiencing the same thing and I'm also an "A Bit Better RTM" user (Chrome). Have had it on two computers now. I am getting connection issues, and sometimes seeing all of my today tasks unbold themselves. Often I have to refresh RTM to make it work properly again.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yup - those issues sound familiar. For now, I've turned off the addon and am using a user script ( It's not the same (no hiding or sorting lists, for example) but at least it gets rid of those unusable tabs for now...
Posted 13 years ago
roettihr says:
I'm having the exact same issues myself.
Posted 13 years ago
andrew.paprotsky says:
I've fixed several bugs in the latest version of "A Bit Better RTM"

Let me know if the issue persists.
Posted 13 years ago
tdmalone says:
Hmm I have never updated a Google Chrome extension before. How is it done?? (Other than removing and re-installing the extension?)

I'm now getting RTM randomly refreshing, and sometimes loading with all my tasks missing - so it is pretty unusable at the moment.
Posted 13 years ago
tdmalone says:
Figured it out - you have to click 'Developer view', and then an 'update extensions now' button shows.

I'm afraid it hasn't helped though. I am getting RTM randomly refreshing often, and today's tasks sometimes not showing in bold + with no task counts beside the lists.
Posted 13 years ago
stephen.nevison says:
I'm having similar issues I'm afraid. Items hang on completion, postponing or changing dates. Random refreshes and connection issues.
Posted 13 years ago
andrew.paprotsky says:
Would it be possible to temporarily disable task counts via "Settings -> A Bit Better RTM -> Tasks count" and check whether the issue persists?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I had to uninstall and re-install the addon - using update extensions from the developer view didn't update the version from

I'll post here again if the issues persist for me. Thanks for updating the addon, Andrew.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Just played with it for a few minutes - haven't been able to replicate the bold/unbold or connection issues, but did get a random page refresh. Will keep an eye on it and let you know if the other issues return.
Posted 13 years ago
hogan82 says:
I'm using A Bit Better RTM and still having the same issues. My smart lists aren't updating when I change a due date. Due dates don't always change, etc.
Posted 13 years ago
tdmalone says:
Do we know yet whether RTM changed anything that caused this? RTM is starting to become really unusable for me because I am having to either wait for a random refresh, or double check that everything I enter is actually there.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yeah, it's still happening to me with I'm going back to the userstyle script for now...
Posted 13 years ago
andrew.paprotsky says:
There's a bug in the latest Chrome versions (stable, beta and dev), that causes the problems -

I've added a workaround in A Bit Better RTM that should fix that.

In Chrome go to "Tools -> Extensions -> Developer mode -> Update extensions now". Make sure that A Bit Better RTM updated to

Let me know how it goes.
Posted 13 years ago
hogan82 says:
Thanks Andrew! So far, that seems to have done the trick for me. Wouldn't want to even think about using RTM without your extension! ;o)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
So far, so good for me as well. Thanks for the update...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Andrew, looking at the above thread, will you be updating the FF version of the addon? I've been seeing it there as well.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
And yes, turning off task count does the trick.
Posted 13 years ago
dmillman says:
Andrew, I am not sure if this is a related problem, but shift+/j/k/o are broken for me. I am running Chrome v. 18.0.1025.151 for Linux. Thank you.
Posted 12 years ago
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