Netvibes widget Firefox 10

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Isaac,
I've added this to our list to investigate; thanks for those additional details, and sorry for the inconvenience.
I've added this to our list to investigate; thanks for those additional details, and sorry for the inconvenience.

cory.panshin says:
I found the last time there was this problem that if you highlight one of the visible tasks, you can then use Tab to scroll down and Shift-Tab to scroll back up. It's a nuisance, but at least you can get to everything.

johnasimonejr says:
I can't get the RememberTheMilk Netvibes widget to work. I've tried the following URLs in the widget configuration:
The first displays login and when I successfully log in it redisplays the login form. The second URL does not load.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox 12.0.
The first displays login and when I successfully log in it redisplays the login form. The second URL does not load.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox 12.0.

johnasimonejr says:
Scratch that. I followed the directions on and that solved the problem.

johnasimonejr says:
The height of the netvibes widget/porlet is an issue. A scroll bar would be an effective fix. I don't necessarily need the widget to expand -- I just need to be able to scroll down to see forthcoming tasks now and then.

(closed account) says:
It would be great if this can be fixed due to the fact iGoogle is quitting. I now am trying netvibes but with the rtm-widget not working correctly this is almost a no go for me. Hope you can fix this...

kpowe95 says:
I'm in the same boat as gerardw... looking for alternate to iGoogle, and netvibes doesn't re-size

charliecbird says:
Another voice to add to gerardw and kpowe95 - I'm looking for an alternative to iGoogle and am trying netvibes - please look into getting the netvibes widget to resize!

(closed account) says:
also looking for replacement for igoogle. the remember the milk widget on netvibes does not stay signed in. i have to enter my login info every time i return to the page. works fine on igoogle.

diego.klabjan says:
Same here, switching from igoogle to netvibes but rtm doesn't resize.

bdonadt says:
same here please fix

(closed account) says:
Luckily others also create widgets. I'm now experimenting with It seems to work nicely.

(closed account) says:
Hmmzzz. nice widget but when you have two widgets on the same dashboard it doesn't remember the list you selected. If you select one list in one widget and another in a different widget it shows the same list in both widgets after you reload the dashboard .

(closed account) says:
RTM... please fix the widget! You would make me very happy :).

tommartin00 says:
I a also having trouble with the Netvibes widget - it is only tall enough to see the top 4 tasks in my list...

dacejames says:
Please fix the Netvibes widget sizing issues. I am trying to migrate from iGoogle as well!

(closed account) says:
Any news on this???