Check boxes

cheryl.fellows says:
Would be great to have checkboxes on the ipad instead of color coded dots. The dots are nice, but miss the feel of being able to check off several things at once. Thanks!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You can edit several things at once by tapping the Edit button at the top right of a list, selecting the tasks you want to complete, and then tapping Complete/Postpone/More at the bottom.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!

ianldavis says:
I would have to agree with Cheryl, it is good to tick off off what has been done - just that sense of satisfaction really!
Also the check boxes would be a good option in the notes section, especially if you set up a project with multiple tasks to be done - again it is good to be able to tick / cross them off as done. - Ian
Also the check boxes would be a good option in the notes section, especially if you set up a project with multiple tasks to be done - again it is good to be able to tick / cross them off as done. - Ian

cheryl.fellows says:
Thanks for the tip @andrewski, I did find that. Visually I still like checkboxes instead of dots (my brain thinks of "edit" for real editing).