Mailto from shortcut fails because of the plus sign

tromboneal says:
This web site has a great way to add a shortcut to your toolbar so that you can add a task with one click:
That is, even if your browser isn't running, you can click on that shortcut, and then just add the text for your task.
The problem is that the plus sign is stripped out, possibly by gmail. That is, the properties for the shortcut are:
mailto:[email protected]
but Gmail tries to send the email to:
mailto:myusername [email protected]
That is, the plus sign is replaced with a space.
Anybody fix that?
That is, even if your browser isn't running, you can click on that shortcut, and then just add the text for your task.
The problem is that the plus sign is stripped out, possibly by gmail. That is, the properties for the shortcut are:
mailto:[email protected]
but Gmail tries to send the email to:
mailto:myusername [email protected]
That is, the plus sign is replaced with a space.
Anybody fix that?

Hi Al,
I'm not exactly sure where the problem lies either, but we'd be happy to take a look with you. Can you contact us so we can get some additional details?
I'm not exactly sure where the problem lies either, but we'd be happy to take a look with you. Can you contact us so we can get some additional details?

peter.wolk says:
Was having this problem so I look around and here is and saw it hadn't been answered yet. Afterwards I came up with the (a) solution.
If in gmail and hit COMPOSE, the address is fine but if you click on the mail address on the Info tab directly and then enter the email address into the address line as before - it fails.
Would be interested if there's another solution - but it seems to be a gmail as the same behavior occurs under both firefox and chrome.
If in gmail and hit COMPOSE, the address is fine but if you click on the mail address on the Info tab directly and then enter the email address into the address line as before - it fails.
Would be interested if there's another solution - but it seems to be a gmail as the same behavior occurs under both firefox and chrome.

Nice tip, using Outlook it's no problem with the "+".
You can add more to the mailto in the properties:
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Subject&body=Body
If you want to add newlines in the body, add %0A
Example mailto, adding some meta info to the task
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Read books&body=List: Inbox%0APriority: 1%0ADue: Friday%0ATags: read%0AEstimate: 2 hours
Possibly, you can have several such shortcuts, letting you add tasks to different list, using different priorities/tags etc. Leaving the subject empty, to be filled out on use is another option.
You can add more to the mailto in the properties:
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Subject&body=Body
If you want to add newlines in the body, add %0A
Example mailto, adding some meta info to the task
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Read books&body=List: Inbox%0APriority: 1%0ADue: Friday%0ATags: read%0AEstimate: 2 hours
Possibly, you can have several such shortcuts, letting you add tasks to different list, using different priorities/tags etc. Leaving the subject empty, to be filled out on use is another option.

Another option is to use this for import of a whole set of tasks, possibly with meta info set by the smart add syntax. Use the other e-mail address: [email protected]
Say that you often have to plan a meeting with some colleagues, book a room, invite a guest, order sandwiches etc. Setting this up as a shortcut, with all the tasks with priorities, deadlines etc lets you add all these tasks in less than 5 seconds.
Say that you often have to plan a meeting with some colleagues, book a room, invite a guest, order sandwiches etc. Setting this up as a shortcut, with all the tasks with priorities, deadlines etc lets you add all these tasks in less than 5 seconds.