Task attribute inheritance (smart lists) -still annoying me

whalford says:
I know I have mentioned this several times - but attribute inheritance should work in the following case
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never)
The presence of the OR apparently breaks the inheritance - so even "list" is not defaulted to home.
I understand this is as documented - BUT IT IS COUNTER INTUITIVE even after all this time : When I am in this home "context" and add a new task I want it to default list:home
This is one of the things that just continues to annoy me about RTM and I wish this could be fixed.
Having some - defaulting attributes- attached to a smart list would seem easy - for each smart list you could add fields for say the following - list, priority, tags and those attributes could be used when adding a task from within that smart list.
You could even do this without UI changes but by extending the smart list syntax
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never)
could become
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never) DefaultList:home DefaultPriority:1
or something like that to specify the desired defaults in the query condition
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never)
The presence of the OR apparently breaks the inheritance - so even "list" is not defaulted to home.
I understand this is as documented - BUT IT IS COUNTER INTUITIVE even after all this time : When I am in this home "context" and add a new task I want it to default list:home
This is one of the things that just continues to annoy me about RTM and I wish this could be fixed.
Having some - defaulting attributes- attached to a smart list would seem easy - for each smart list you could add fields for say the following - list, priority, tags and those attributes could be used when adding a task from within that smart list.
You could even do this without UI changes but by extending the smart list syntax
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never)
could become
list:home and (dueBefore:tommorow or due:never) DefaultList:home DefaultPriority:1
or something like that to specify the desired defaults in the query condition

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Warwick,
Thanks for your feedback. I've added this to our list to investigate.
Thanks for your feedback. I've added this to our list to investigate.