Daily Gadget on Google Calendar w/https causes mixed content warning (IE8)

tlaresch says:
The Daily Gadget for RTM on Google Calendar is delivered without https - in particular, the file http://static.rememberthemilk.com/img/modules/task.gif.
When I load my Google Calendar (which for me is a Google Apps calendar),
I get the warning popup from IE about mixed content:
If RTM would serve up this icon with https, I think we'd be golden.
Note that I do not get the warning if I deselect RTM from my list of calendars, then load Google calendar any time afterwards. If I then select the RTM calendar, I would get the warning at that time and any time I load the calendar afterwards.
When I load my Google Calendar (which for me is a Google Apps calendar),
I get the warning popup from IE about mixed content:
If RTM would serve up this icon with https, I think we'd be golden.
Note that I do not get the warning if I deselect RTM from my list of calendars, then load Google calendar any time afterwards. If I then select the RTM calendar, I would get the warning at that time and any time I load the calendar afterwards.

jebr0wn says:
The same issue happens in Chrome. Loading insecure content from a secure page is shows warnings to the user.
It is not necessary to use http or https in the gadget to the load the files, you can just use this : //static.rememberthemilk.com/img/modules/task.gif. With no protocol specified, a browser will use the same protocol that the rest of the page was delivered in.
It is not necessary to use http or https in the gadget to the load the files, you can just use this : //static.rememberthemilk.com/img/modules/task.gif. With no protocol specified, a browser will use the same protocol that the rest of the page was delivered in.