Repeating task note

batman697 says:
I want to maintain notes with a repeating task. I want to use "after X days" tasks because it keeps my list smaller. Please allow notes to stick with these repeating tasks. It doesn't make any sense to allow notes with "every" tasks but not "after" tasks.
What makes the current system even worse is that my notes are gone forever. Can't find them in search.
What makes the current system even worse is that my notes are gone forever. Can't find them in search.

Thanks for your feedback on the notes for tasks repeated with "after". If you haven't already, you may also want to vote for this in our Ideas forum here.
In the meantime, the notes that you entered on one occurrence of the task should still be available. If you know any of the content from the notes you're looking for, try using the noteContains: search operator to find them. For example:
noteContains:"call Bob"
As these old occurrences of the task have probably been completed, you may need to click the "completed" link to display completed tasks after searching.
Hope that helps!
In the meantime, the notes that you entered on one occurrence of the task should still be available. If you know any of the content from the notes you're looking for, try using the noteContains: search operator to find them. For example:
noteContains:"call Bob"
As these old occurrences of the task have probably been completed, you may need to click the "completed" link to display completed tasks after searching.
Hope that helps!

batman697 says:
I don't see a completed link if I initiate the search from the search box.
Using the search options, with "search notes" and "archived" checked and status = "any", search does not find completed tasks.
Using the search options, with "search notes" and "archived" checked and status = "any", search does not find completed tasks.

When searching for "Any" status, the search will return both incomplete and completed items, but you're not able to view both types of tasks at the same time. The "completed" link should be available, even for tasks returned by a search.
The "completed" link can be found in the box to the right of the task list. Be sure that no tasks are selected, as you will only be able to see the "completed" link when the properties of the list itself are displayed. The link will show "X completed", where X is the number of completed tasks. You can use this to toggle between the incomplete and completed view.
Hope that helps!
The "completed" link can be found in the box to the right of the task list. Be sure that no tasks are selected, as you will only be able to see the "completed" link when the properties of the list itself are displayed. The link will show "X completed", where X is the number of completed tasks. You can use this to toggle between the incomplete and completed view.
Hope that helps!