Emailed tasks that only have a due date--I do not put a due time--automatically assigned 8:11pm due time

lawsonc says:
First, sorry if this is a repost...the Search doesn't seem to be working right now (at all).
Like I mention in the subject, I typically email tasks to RTM that have a date the task must be finished but not a "due time." When these emailed tasks show up in my task list, though, they are automatically assigned a due time of 8:11pm. I do not want the task to have a due there a way to disable this in settings (didn't see one)? If not, is there something I'm not doing w/ the email format that would address this?
Thanks for the help!
Like I mention in the subject, I typically email tasks to RTM that have a date the task must be finished but not a "due time." When these emailed tasks show up in my task list, though, they are automatically assigned a due time of 8:11pm. I do not want the task to have a due there a way to disable this in settings (didn't see one)? If not, is there something I'm not doing w/ the email format that would address this?
Thanks for the help!

Would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look at this? It may help to get an example of one of the emails you're sending so we can get some additional details.

lawsonc says:
I just finished submitting. I did notice that, at least in my case, I did NOT have the 8:11pm due time automatically assigned when I formatted the due date like "7/13/2011" instead of "July 13, 2011". I mentioned this in the submission, but I thought I'd post this point in case the info. benefits anyone else.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.