Phantom Task shows up in my GCalender

bvargo says:
So I created an RTM calender using the "Add by URL" option on Gmail. HOWEVER I keep seeing a task repeating/displayed even though I've deleted in on RTM. I've unsubscribed and resubscribed to my RTM feed...I even deleted my entire Task section in RTM but the phantom event (which was assigned as repeat) refuses to go away on my GCalender. How to I kill this task?

If you haven't done so already, you may want to try searching for the task using the search bar at the top of the web app. This can help locate the task if it is not in a place you're expecting to see it (for example, if it was inadvertently moved to another list).
If you're not able to find the task this way, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look?
If you're not able to find the task this way, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look?