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Does Milk Sync work for Outlook for Mac 2011?

ncmdirect says:
Before I buy, I would like to know if it will sync with Outlook for Mac 2011?
Posted at 4:57pm on May 22, 2011
brendan says:
Unfortunately, MilkSync for Outlook is not currently available for Outlook for Mac. It requires Windows XP (SP2) or higher.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Posted 13 years ago
mykalachi1 says:
Hi same question as above. Do you intend to release it soon?
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
As indicated in this thread, we don't currently have any plans to add Mac support to MilkSync for Outlook.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Too bad.
Posted 13 years ago
spokice says:
I'd like to encourage you to work on Milk Sync for Mac. It would be a big improvement for me as I have just moved from Windows XP to OS X. I can make it work, but not nearly as readily as before with Outlook 2010.
Posted 13 years ago
paul.doforno says:
I agree I would go pro if this feature was available
Posted 13 years ago
taulm says:
I also would appreciate Mac support for Milk Sync Outlook.
Posted 13 years ago
johansixtensson says:
I agree with the above that Mac support for Milk Sync Outlook would be really great. At my work (IT Consultant Company) 150 our of 650 now have Mac and it is increasing drastically so the demand is getting greater by each day...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I ditto the above statements. My company is going to Outlook / Exchange soon and for us Mac users this would be a huge benefit.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Stating my interest in Outlook for Mac support.
Posted 13 years ago
jared.rutter says:
I would also like Outlook for Mac support!
Posted 13 years ago
blunderx says:
Same here! Very interested in this feature.
Posted 13 years ago
goblue says:
Same here just switched to mac.
Posted 13 years ago
blakshmikanth says:
same here..would go pro if available in mac
Posted 12 years ago
roloj12 says:
I agree with the above... You are missing a big market by not supporting the Outlook for Mac. We just switched as from PC to Mac...
Posted 12 years ago
kim.zimmerman says:
I agree with all of the above statements (milk for Mac)
Posted 12 years ago
ciaran_doran says:
Hey guys, I just joined a new company and have managed to persuade them to go Mac for me and for any new members of my team. One frustrating thing is getting proper sync services of all my stuff, calendars, tasks, contacts etc. across my Mac, iPad, Outlook for Mac, Blackberry etc.

I'd be happy to pay double what you're asking for the RTM app Pro version if it would let me do good things. Making it work for some versions of Outlook but not others isn't great.

Outlook for Mac is growing fast guys - so I add my support to the above requests for getting RTM to sync with this.

While I'm here, there's a few other things that bug me about this otherwise fantastic application :
* Offline? How can we use in offline mode - seems crazy we always have to be connected
* Trial version of Pro : can't find this anywhere although I think I can get a trial version of MilkSync to sync with Windows Outlook but only if I already have Pro, is that right?
* Manual Sync seems the only way to sync while I try out the app - but seems you can only manual-sync once per day! until you buy Pro.
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi ciaran_doran,

Offline access to the web app was available via Google Gears. However, Google has discontinued support for Gears. At this time, we're looking at ways we can support offline access in the future. This blog post has some further details.

MilkSync for Outlook and MilkSync for BlackBerry provide a free 15-day trial period so that you can try out the sync and make sure it works for you. To start the trial, download the software and begin syncing. There's no need to upgrade to Pro before starting the trial.

The mobile apps (Android, iPhone and iPad) offer a free edition and a Pro edition. The free edition is limited to one sync per day, and the sync must be initiated manually while the Pro edition (which requires a Pro upgrade) offers unlimited auto-syncing.

Thanks for your feedback on MilkSync for Outlook for Mac as well!
Posted 12 years ago
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